
CRDO Monterrei Structure

General Council of D.O Monterrei
  • Mr. Jonatás Gago García
  • Mr. Ernesto Rodríguez Zarraquiños (Viticultura Monterrey, S.L.)
  • Mr. D. Gonzalo Losada Lorenzo
Members of the Plenary
  • Gestión Vitivinícola, C.B.
  • Mr. Aníbal Blanco Núñez.
  • Viticultura Monterrey, S.L.
  • Bodegas Alba Al-Bar, S.L.
  • Bodega Pazo de Valdeconde, S.L.
  • Bodega Abeledos, S.L.
  • Terras do Cigarrón, S.L.
Technical members of the plenary
  • D. Antonio Vega Dosantos.
  • D. Raimundo Castaño Bascoy.
Staff of D.O Monterrei

Discover a landscape surrounded by colours of wine. A land’s history and

gastronomy which will surprise you with their wine cellars and growers. The "wine trail".
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