
CRDO Monterrei News


Xantar and the XXIX Festa da Castaña e do Cogomelo de Riós, next stops for the D.O. Monterrei

Over the next few days, D.O. Monterrei will be present at two provincial gastronomic events: 25th International Tourism Xantar and XXIX Festa da Castaña e do […]

The D.O. Monterrei reaches its historical high: 7,694,464.1 kilograms of grapes in 2024

The Monterrei Designation of Origin has ended the 2024 harvest, again achieving a historic harvest, with 7,694,464.1 kilograms of grapes harvested. In terms of harvested varieties, […]

The D.O. Monterrei present at the III Festa da Vendima da Vila de Monterrei

The Monterrei Designation of Origin participates in the III Festa da Vendima da Vila de Monterrei, which will take place tomorrow 5 October in the vicinity […]

Seventeen international wine trainers discover the D.O. Monterrei

The territory covered by the Monterrei designation of origin has been visited by 17 international trainers, led by the Wine Scholar Guild, who have seen firsthand […]

D.O. Monterrei increases its sales abroad by a factor of eight

The latest data from the report of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on protected designations of origin for wines, They reveal the growth of […]

Specialized prescribers tour the territory of D.O. Monterrei

The Regulatory Council, continuing its commitment to the promotion and business development of wineries and their wines, has organized a visit by a delegation of Catalan […]

Discover a landscape surrounded by colours of wine. A land’s history and

gastronomy which will surprise you with their wine cellars and growers. The "wine trail".
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